Yellow idea icon

Consulting & Ideas

Data and technology shine brighter when wrapped in brilliant ideas.

We have 20+ years of wisdom ready to share.

Bec, Dave and Adam at Data HQ
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Yellow spiral icon

The Data HQ
IDEA Framework


  • Market Potential Analysis
  • Data Quality Audit
  • Customer Modelling & Insight


  • Data Planning
  • Tech Review & Integration
  • Campaign Strategy & Planning


  • Response Analysis
  • Campaign Optimisation
  • Progressive Profiling


  • Reach more people
  • Enter new markets
  • Uncover hidden customers
  • Sell more
3 smiles icon

Let us open your mind to the possible

Our Data HQ IDEA Framework offers you a structured way to introduce fresh ideas, have collaborative conversation and get support for your most ambitious projects

Blue Lightbulb iconCarlene Russell at Data HQ

Big questions
We're often asked...

  • How can I reach more people?
  • Am I getting my share of my market potential?
  • Which model should I use to look for new prospects?
  • Do I have hidden prospects within my existing client data?
  • How can I get a single view of my customer's activity?
  • What does a good prospect look like for me?
  • How can I regulate my supply of leads to the sales team?
  • Is there a simple way to react automatically to my audience engagement across multiple channels?
  • My campaign performance has dropped and I’m not sure why?

Your curious question?

Tell us what’s on your mind and we’ll crowd source ideas from our team for you.

Sharyn Abela at Data HQ

We flex our consulting services to your need

We bring super smart perspectives.

We’re also a dab hand at integrating systems, and totally unfazed by complex data modelling.

Borrow our brain power to rethink your audiences and outstep the competition.

Dave at Data HQ Rocket on laptop

"Data HQ’s Digital TAM helped us confidently predict the telecoms spend of 3 in 4 businesses in our target market."

Head of Data, Europe’s Leading Media & Entertainment Company

The Data HQ Digital TAM

Reveal your Total Addressable Market (TAM) through appealing visuals, delivered in a dashboard you can share easily across teams.

  • See how your own sales performance compares against the total market demand
  • Learn which sectors, geographies (and more) offer the best growth potential
  • Plan sales territories the data-driven way
  • Determine the right level of marketing effort
  • Digital TAM's constantly update allowing you to react to market changes
  • Typically £2,995
Laptop Digital TAM

"Their analysts surprised us by revealing a further goldmine of hidden prospects from within our own client data."


Super smart perspectives

20+ years of wisdom ready to help you uncover hidden customers and outstep the competition

We wrap the very best data and technology in brilliant ideas

Menu of the day

A simple chat
Day rate
By the project
Starting at £1,995
On retainer
Let’s talk

"Data HQ helped us with our data cleansing process. We're looking forward to improved communication with our supporters."

Essex & Herts Air Ambulance Trust

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Ideas have true value when they interact with each other.

Connect with us

Ready to give your sales & marketing more commercial oomph?

Chat with a real person on 01245 807 470. 

Latisha Holt at Data HQ

Prefer us to contact you?

Enquire online