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Unify your data to maximise your campaign’s ROI

Single customer view
Cafe Consumers

By Tim Holt 3 min read

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If the common quip of ‘keeping your finger on the pulse’ remains one of marketing’s most important virtues, then the unrelenting slews of data that businesses have to contend with, has ensured that staying in the loop isn’t quite as easy as it may seem.

Certainly, a good understanding of your customer base makes up the lifeblood of a successful marketing campaign and knowing not just when your target audience engage with you, but how, can help tailor a more productive and ultimately more cost-effective campaign. In building a Single Customer View of that customer base, your company can unlock unprecedented rewards – in order to do this, however, you’re going to need accurate, accessible and well organised data.

But if your business is dealing with 1000s of customer records and fronting marketing campaigns over a whole scope of different platforms, gauging an accurate portrait of your target audience can become an increasingly difficult task. And if an overload of data across a range of different media is beginning to hurt your business’ efficiency, it’s important to seek a solution before it starts to affect the quality of your marketing campaigns.

Yet while the prospect of streamlining your company’s data and bringing it into check can seem like an intimidating prospect, not only can it help offer your business an important restructuring and merger of customer data, it can also help you learn more about your customer base than ever before.

Marketing meets IT

Data management solutions offer businesses the most efficient and effective method of reorganising their customer data. Of primary assistance to medium-larger sized companies, if your business has experienced growth in recent times, the chances are the endless amounts of customer data, financial data and a whole other realm of marketing based information has bloated at an even faster rate of knots.

Time-consuming and unproductive, devising campaigns when so much crucial information is stored as separate entities can prove a real burden. Data management can help merge and manage multiple sources of information, without the risk of duplication and assist businesses in both building and managing marketing databases.

The key to unique and powerful customer insights

So you’ve chosen to invest in data management and your marketing campaigns are now orchestrated from a clear, coherent and accurate base of which to push on from. Now what? It’s important to think of data management solutions not only as a method of organising and streamlining your realms of customer data, but also as the key your business needs to gain all-important unprecedented insights into your customer base.

Data management is essentially phase one of a two phase process needed to achieve a greater customer understanding. By pulling in data from a variety of sources and storing it as something of a ‘data warehouse’ data management is absolutely essential in order for powerful analytical tools to be applied.

Forging a stronger connection with customers

Phase two of the data management process sees the use of analytical tools – such as the respected FastStats analytical system that Data HQ uses – mine the newly conglomerated data and produce results that help you understand how often your customers engage with your product, how deep their financial involvement lies and crucially, just how responsive they are.

By creating a Single Customer View of your customer base, your business can gain a superior understanding of exactly who your campaigns are looking to connect with and how they interact. Such information allows you to bring more precision to your campaign, ensuring that the right message is being sent out to the varying demographics of your customer base at the right time.

The results? Tailored, precise marketing campaigns can help your business build a stronger bond with customers. The insights gained from devising a Single Customer View can bring a new found relevance to your marketing efforts that can help customers feel more valued and understood by your company.

A data deluge might seem like a small headache for your business. But by seeking to manage it efficiently and going the extra mile to gain customer insights, the chances are you’ll be looking at increased profitability, rather than head-scratching lowered response rates.

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