Blogs & ideas

Diverse data requests and solutions

Email marketing

By Tim Holt 1 min read

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If you had been involved in the data industry as long as I have, you would undoubtedly have also encountered a vast range of requests for diverse criteria, required for clients’ target audiences. Reminiscing here over some of the more unusual ones, we thought we would share some of the enquiries we have had.

We receive many weird and wonderful requests including such criteria as “married men at their office” and “overweight lesbians”; (the former for a Gentleman’s Club business). However, we also receive some obscure but perhaps less outlandish requests for which we are able to research appropriate options, enabling us to fulfill the precise requirement.

Chicken Farmers

Farmers and those working within the agricultural industry are fairly popular and therefore frequently-requested searches, but specifically Chicken Farmers was a new one on us when it came up a few months back. That said, we were able to narrow down and identify the specific list of contacts required by a Solar Farm equipment provider.

Operating Room Staff

This was another quite specific request. We first looked at brokering specialist healthcare lists and what that would offer our client. However, we identified the best match for our client’s requirements when we looked at it from a different perspective. We took job titles from our consumer data to identify the closest possible matches such as: Surgical Consultant, Anesthetist, Theatre Manager, Medical Technician, and Theatre Nurse.

Businesses using specific software

Our client thought this was somewhat of a long shot when they asked us for data on business clients based on what CRM software they were using. However, by working with one of our strategic partners we were able to broker the precise contacts with the information required; i.e on their software use.

Industrial Estates or Business Parks

There is not an industry standard selection identifying businesses based on Industrial Estates or Business Parks, despite this being a relatively common request in recent years. This was a frustration for us and for our clients, so we now identify organisations by searching for keywords such as ‘business park’ or industrial estate’ within the addresses we have on file for them

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