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Corporate Contacts is Data HQ’s premium B2B Business Mailing List incorporating Directors and Managers of the UK’s largest 20,000 organisations. It can be filtered by industry sector, department, job title, turnover, no. of employees and geography. You can use Corporate Contacts for mailing, emailing and telemarketing campaigns to meet your business needs with unlimited use for 12 months.

This is a database of the largest UK corporate businesses, and the contacts within the companies for use in B2B marketing and communication. This entire database is researched by telephone and includes personal, GDPR compliant email addresses. Corporate Contacts data includes the hard to reach senior Directors and Managers that are often not available on other data lists. With a range of job titles and responsibilities the database can be refined specifically for your campaign.

Corporate Contacts is meticulously gathered, constantly verified and updated every three months by a dedicated team of researchers who spend each day on the phone to ensure the best quality list possible. Our database also grows every day with new companies and contacts gathered by the research team.

The majority of organisations on the Data HQ Business mailing lists are firms with 50 employees or less, however there are some larger firms/organisations included within this mailing list. The database has been developed to include head office, single site owner/managed firms and branch locations of larger businesses. The contact type within this mailing list can be selected from a wide range of departments and job titles.

In addition to job function, Corporate Contacts offers the following further selections:

Geography by postcode, county, region, town or city
Number of employees
Date established
Vertical Market
New to File
Activity by code and description
Telephone Numbers
E-mail address
Job titles
Data Protection

Information is verified either at switchboard level, personnel departments or with the data subject. All telephone numbers are compared against the CTPS file.

The mailing list is compiled and maintained in accordance with the GDPR, Data Protection Act and in accordance with the Direct Marketing Associations DM Code of Practice. The DMA code of practice sets standards of ethical conduct and best practice and is administered and monitored by the independent Direct Marketing Authority. Data HQ Ltd is registered with the Data Protection Information Commissioner, registration number Z5561873